Meet Teal & Lola

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Meet Teal & Lola

Post by Teal »

Hiya, my name is Teal. I'm the proud steward of Lola, my sweet 66. I found her a month ago, and she seems like an unfinished project. Lot's of things done right, but many many bits and pieces missing or incomplete. It's been a fun process working on a VW again, this is my first vintage since I was 17. Piece by piece she's coming together, and I'm starting to make her my daily. Wish me luck in AZ this July!!!

I've loved VW like no other car manufacturer for as long as I can remember. You could say that it's because my folks drove a Dasher when I was a toddler, but I'm a bit of a mystic so I see something deeper than that. You see, from a young age I had a knack for understanding how things went together, and it was pretty frequent even at age 4 or 5 for me to be caught disassembling a radio or random electronic device. What I remember was not disassembling these things, but rather I was "making them better". That knack led from radios to computers, deeper into electronics and finally to engineering, and today I'm an audio engineer, specializing in design & consultation. I guess some kids grow up wanting to be firemen, I've just kept doing what I've always done - make things better.

So what's that got to do with my mystical reason for loving VW? I guess I'm saying that of all the stuff I've taken apart over the years, there are some things that you just can't make much better. Truth, there's a big one you can't improve on. We may like to think we can make truth better, (or wish it was) but we're usually wrong. I could give you my whole list of hippie buddhist crap, but what I'm saying here is that VW is something sacred. The engineering, what words can I use? The styling and character? Again, no thesaurus can describe how I feel when I look at one. Now some people (those who are still reading) are probably saying, well, my VW could be better. I disagree. Sure rebuilding my entire wiper system this week has been a chore, but to hold something in my hands that was made in the 60's, and all it needs is some bitty missing parts and a $12.00 switch from a salvage yard, and I've got wipers! At every turn as I change a gasket, or replace a bearing, I'm amazed at the simple beauty behind VW engineering. Ok, the cupholders on my GTI VR6 were shite, but still I loved that car like no others... till Lola.

Sorry for the diatribe, I won't be posting a lot of warm fuzzy stuff like this, but I felt like sharing. I was drawn to this particular model year when I started looking for my Type 1 project, can't explain why. If there are enough people out there to start a website for the 1966 Beetle then I guess it's worth making a proper introduction.

And yes, those are '68 front fenders.
Her name was Lola, she was a showgirl...
Her name was Lola, she was a showgirl...
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Post by jmartini »

Hi Teal: Very nice intro! You are right - sometime the most beautiful things are the most simplistic. Love the picture and welcome to the forum!
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Post by rokemester »

Love the aggressive stance of that 66! NICE. Keep writing and send along more pictures please!!
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Post by Teal »

Thanks, she does have a little bit of an attitude! I knew when I found her that she didn't have '66 front fenders, but I'm a sucker for a pretty face. :) Have a great weekend!
Not too bad from the rear either :)
Not too bad from the rear either :)
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Post by fatalifeaten »

Welcome. I've seen that care before methinks.

Did it come from Prescott Valley or some place like that? Seem to recall a build thread on the D3 site about it a while back, likely from the P.O...

Looking good.
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Post by Teal »

The previous owner only had her for a year and bought her from someone in Tucson, who began the restoration. I think she was too much for the people I bought her from, she needed a lot of work. I tried to get contact info on the previous previous owner, but was told the number was disconnected. I've got some paint matching to do so that kinda sucks. I'm sure I'll be able to get close, but it would have been nice to have the exact data.

Thanks for the reply!
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